by Steve Phipps | Jul 12, 2024 | Marketing, Sales, They Ask You Answer
Imagine this: You’re a small business owner with a fantastic service that you know can bring immense value to your clients. You’ve built a great team, refined your B2B marketing pricing strategy, and are ready to scale. But there’s one thing holding you...
by Steve Phipps | Jun 26, 2020 | Marketing, Sales, Wayfind Marketing Live
Does marketing your business feel like throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what will stick? Haphazard marketing tactics randomly thrown together won’t produce sustainable results that grow your business. Good marketing starts with a strategy that matches...
by Steve Phipps | May 29, 2020 | Marketing, Sales, Wayfind Marketing Live
Cranking out new sales isn’t always as hard is it seems. On this episode of Wayfind Marketing Live, we talk about three simple and powerful things you can do to generate more business sooner rather than later. Show Notes: Win More Leads with These Three Things...
by Steve Phipps | May 8, 2020 | Sales, Storybrand, Wayfind Marketing Live
What kind of first impression does your website or sales pitch make on potential customers? Does it wow them and keep them dialed in or is their brain telling them it’s time to think about something else? In this episode of Wayfind Marketing Live, we talk...
by Steve Phipps | May 1, 2020 | Marketing, Sales, Wayfind Marketing Live
It’s time to strap a rocket to your marketing. Understanding how buyers go from curious to committed will equip you to market more effectively and win more business. In this episode of Wayfind Marketing Live, we teach you how to market your business through...
by Steve Phipps | Jul 13, 2018 | Marketing Strategy, Sales
We may live in an era of instant gratification, but that doesn’t mean consumers make hasty decisions. Recent studies have shown that 88% of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase; 60% use search engines to find the products they are...