Ep. 21: What 8 Years at Chick-fil-A Taught Me About Creating Great Customer Experiences

steve phipps

Steve Phipps

CEO, President, Chief Strategist

July 10, 2020

If your marketing is only focused on winning new customers, you’re missing out on one of the easiest ways to grow your revenue base. One of the biggest mistakes I see businesses make is, once they win a customer, they move on to winning more new customers and stop nurturing the new relationship they’ve just won. It’s always more profitable to market to your existing customers who already know you, like you, and trust you, than it is to go out and just get new customers.

In this episode of Wayfind Marketing Live, we unpack the idea of marketing to your current customers and lessons learned about the value of creating great customer experiences from Steve’s days as a franchisee for Chick-fil-A. Tune in for a conversation about how to create great customer experiences that are memorable and sharable, as well as, how to calculate the lifetime value of a customer and increase that number over time.

Watch the replay by clicking the image above or listening to our podcast on anchor.fmiTunesSpotify, or your preferred podcast player.

We are in the middle of a series on building a one-page marketing roadmap. Catch the previous episodes here.

Wayfind Marketing Live is hosted by Steve Phipps and AnnieLaurie Walters. Steve is the founder and president of Wayfind Marketing and a StoryBrand Certified Guide. He shares his years of experience guiding business owners by sharing simple and practical marketing tips and stories that will help you grow your business. AnnieLaurie brings her communications and PR experience to offer additional insights into how you can communicate more clearly and win more customers.

Catch us live each Friday at 12 pm, CDT, on LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, or on our website http://wayfindmarketing.com/live

steve phipps

About Steve Phipps:

Steve Phipps, president of Wayfind Marketing and a certified They Ask, You Answer Coach, brings over 25 years of marketing expertise. His practical, client-focused approach has helped numerous businesses grow. As a former CMO for multiple companies and a Chick-fil-A franchise owner, Steve understands the challenges small business owners face. He leads Wayfind Marketing with a mission to help business owners grow their companies without the usual headaches, emphasizing strategies that position companies as authorities in their field.

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