Key Wins Within Two Years of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency: 2,400% boost in organic search traffic. Monthly website users from 621 to 3,099 in two years; a total increase of 964%. Blogs comprise 70% of web traffic compared with 12% initially. Approximately half of...
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Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy Increase Orthodontic Practice’s Sales by 29%
Key Wins With a Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy: Increased sales by 29% (Had their largest annual revenue in 2021) Grew monthly website traffic by 115% Lead offer generated 237 new prospects Client calls outsourced marketing, “life-changing” An...
Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy Increase Orthodontic Practice’s Sales by 29%
Key Wins With a Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy: Increased sales by 29% (Had their largest annual revenue in 2021) Grew monthly website traffic by 115% Lead offer generated 237 new prospects Client calls outsourced marketing, "life-changing" An...
“Our Marketing Has Never Been Better”: Tellennium Reaps the Benefits of An Outsourced CMO
Key Wins With an Outsourced CMO: 141% increase in web sessions 316% increase in prospects 71% increase in new traffic 75% increase in year-over-year web impressions “Our marketing…has never been better.” Enterprise expense management firm Tellennium’s proven...
Tennessee Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy Has 2,400% Boost in Organic Search Traffic
Key Wins Within Two Years of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency: 2,400% boost in organic search traffic. Monthly website users from 621 to 3,099 in two years; a total increase of 964%. Blogs comprise 70% of web traffic compared with 12% initially. Approximately half of...